



本来、床屋は「男が自由に立ち寄り、男性らしさを引き立ててくれる場所」SALON dE A は徹底的に「男のスタイル」と「男性が寛げる空間」づくりにこだわっています。

「男として」という美意識をしっかりと胸に秘め、「男のカッコよさ」を追及するSALON dE A は、落ち着いた雰囲気の中にもしっかりと「男らしさ」を芯に持った店であります。

お客様のライフスタイルの一つとして、あなたの一生のパートナーのような存在でありたい。SALON dE A はそう願っております。



Man's world

Beauty salons are not enough to something difficult to enter,But old-fashioned barber also a little different ...

Originally, barber 'A man stopped by freedom, where us favors masculinity' Salon dE A has stuck to thoroughly

Hidden in firmly chest aesthetics that 'as a man', Salon dE A man of coolness' is, firmly 'masculinity' is also in the relaxed atmosphere is located in the store that has the core.

As one of your lifestyle, you want to be in the presence, such as your lifetime partner. Salon dE A we hope so.

We hope you can taste to your heart's content the 'luxury to choose the barber'  rather than a beauty salon in the era Now.

We have a [reservation priority system] in order to cherish your time. Please feel free to inquire.

SALON dÈ A 芦田啓
